A deadly virus. 210 countries affected.* A simple gesture, to be repeated several times a day.
29.04.2020. In the village of Ngombé, in northern Congo, one of the most landlocked regions of the country, our subsidiary IFO (Industrie Forestière de Ouesso) gives its 900 workers 3 kg of soap per day. It's 5:45 in the morning, when they arrive to clock in. But before anyone gets to work, each and everyone has to wash their hands.
And not just in any way, but for at least 20 seconds. An operation which, calculating the various water dispensers placed on the site, can take anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour. Because protecting oneself and others has been put at the very forefront, without delay.
An essential gesture, to be repeated several times a day, whether in the forest, at the sawmill, in the office, in the village or at home. All of IFO’s workers have been trained to do this, be it the administrative staff in the offices, the specialized personnel processing hydraulic hardwood, staff in the main sawmills, those in charge of finger-jointed wood, up to the teams that start the day in the forest, way earlier. Our goal: to stop the spread of COVID-19. IFO has followed the WHO recommendations when training workers. Posters and info-graphics have been printed out and showcased throughout the site, to remind everyone of good hygiene practices at any time of day.
Thanks to the support of our allies in the fight against COVID-19, workers have acquired an essential tool to protect themselves and others around them.
YOUR HELP HEALS! Join the Alliance Against COVID-19 now:
Special account: COVID-19-Congo-donationBank CIC (Schweiz) AG, 4001 Basel
Clearing: 8710 Account holder: INTERHOLCO AG IBAN: CH56-0871-0034-6598-1201-1
*as at 29.04.2020.
To be continued...
INTERHOLCO offers Sustainable Hardwood 'Made in Africa' as a responsible solution to promote better living conditions (construction with wood), reduce climate change, and increase social justice. As FSC-certified producer specialized in producing and trading logs, sawn timber, glued laminated scantlings and other products, INTERHOLCO manages the entire chain, from forest to customers since 1962. Harvesting wood selectively, INTERHOLCO protects 1.1 million hectares of natural forest from permanent conversion to agricultural land, giving 16’000 local inhabitants access to quality basic services and keeping the habitat of thousands of gorillas and elephants.
Communications contact INTERHOLCO
Tullia Baldassarri Höger von Högersthal
INTERHOLCO AG, Schutzengelstr. 36, 6340 Baar, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)41 767 03 82