
12.11.2018. INTERHOLCO Sustainable Hardwood – Made in Africa, and the Paris-based SNCF lead the way in making choices that won't cost the Earth.

SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) is the French National Railway Company, the 2nd largest railway network in Europe with 300'000 km of commercial operations.

In October 2018, SNCF's project on the life-cycle of Azobé rail sleepers was awarded by ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) and published online: . An interactive presentation takes visitors on a unique journey to the Congo Basin, where a satellite map shows INTERHOLCO’s production site and the natural forest from which FSC®-certified Azobé sleepers are sourced.

INTERHOLCO’s production of certified hardwood Made in Africa drives growth for 1'000 local employees who enjoy fair wages, on-site training, access to medical care, education facilities, drinkable water and electricity; a wide range of social benefits that are life-changers for the 16'000 forest concession inhabitants.

For her relentless work in favour of sustainability, SNCF manager Dr. Patrizia Gregori received the Prize for Women of the industry and Sustainable Development in September 2018.

Dr. Gregori is responsible for SNCF's environmental performance and regulation since 2014, a key role in setting the strategic directions of SNCF's rail traffic.

INTERHOLCO is proud to support railway construction with eco-friendly timber, Made in Africa.



Since 1962, INTERHOLCO is serving an international clientele with high-quality hardwood – Made in Africa.

With annual sales of about EUR 65 Mio., the Swiss-based INTERHOLCO is one of the leading international suppliers of sustainable hardwood, from sourcing and processing to high quality hardwood products: logs, lumber, laminated scantlings and more. In addition to three processing sawmills, large kiln facilities, a lamination and planing mill, INTERHOLCO manages an FSC-certified 1.1 million ha forest concession in the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), employing a diverse dedicated global workforce of about 1’000 people. INTERHOLCO serves over 50 countries world-wide, from importers to industrial end-users.

INTERHOLCO is committed to making sustainably harvested timber from Africa the norm, as a renewable material that improves people’s livelihoods in the region and protects the forest and its precious wildlife. INTERHOLCO supports the Fair&Precious initiative in its goal to increase market recognition of sustainable hardwood from Africa based on technical, environmental and sustainability considerations.

Communications contact INTERHOLCO

Tullia Baldassarri Höger von Högersthal

INTERHOLCO AG, Schutzengelstr. 36, 6340 Baar, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)41 767 03 82 

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