
17.03.2021. With its exceptional properties, Africa’s Wengé wood which INTERHOLCO is proud to offer with FSC® certification deserves first class manufacturing. As Japan’s leading manufacturer of wooden furniture, Karimoku proudly upholds a steady focus on quality.


It’s a subtle rebellion against the trend-driven, inspired by the durable ways of nature, and composed entirely of materials that patinate and possess timeless beauty.



In the words of Hiroshi Kato, KARIMOKU Vice President: 'Karimoku is a word made up of two Japanese words — Kari, short for Kariya, a name of the Japanese town in which the company was founded, and Moku, short for Mokuzai meaning 'wood' in Japanese. So you might say that the company name summarizes our identity. I love it because it contains my home-town and my favourite material, wood'.



Karimoku Furniture was founded in 1940. In 1962, Karimoku began producing and selling furniture of its own brand. Today, the company owns four material factories, seven manufacturing factories, 28 sales bases, 26 showrooms, and one overseas sales corporation.



As shown in the photos of the making of the KUNST furniture collection, Karimoku remains focused on the pursuit of its original concept of “high-tech and high-touch, made in Japan”, so that it can fully demonstrate the skill and sensibility of its craftsmen. 



'We would like to make wooden furniture to which customers become strongly attached. We make furniture from wood. We always keep that in mind and are humble about what we do. We want to make furniture that lasts; that will be used and loved for more than a hundred years'.



For more information:

Karimoku Furniture Inc.

All photos © Karimoku



INTERHOLCO offers Sustainable Hardwood 'Made in Africa' as a responsible solution to promote better living conditions (construction with wood), reduce climate change, and increase social justice. As FSC-certified producer specialized in producing and trading logs, sawn timber, glued laminated scantlings and other products, INTERHOLCO manages the entire chain, from forest to customers since 1962. Harvesting wood selectively, INTERHOLCO protects 1.1 million hectares of natural forest from permanent conversion to agricultural land, giving 16’000 local inhabitants access to quality basic services and keeping the habitat of thousands of gorillas and elephants.

Communications contact INTERHOLCO

Tullia Baldassarri Höger von Högersthal
INTERHOLCO AG, Schutzengelstr. 36, 6340 Baar, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)41 767 03 82
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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